
Bad news

Last October I got some bad news. Three days before my 40th birthday I was going for my yearly mammogram.  A little early for most women but I had a history of cancer so I was used to having screenings of all sorts.  I had been doing it since I was in my 20s so this yearly appointment wasn't very stressful for me.  I didn't even really stress when sometimes I was told that I should come back at 6 months for another ultrasound. I had been through this so many times that I never worried.  "Don't worry until there's a reason to worry" is advice I would give friends often and in regards to my health it was advice I followed pretty well.  So Oct. 17th I had my usual mammogram and waited to see the doctor.  She came, examined me and said that they wanted to do an ultrasound to get a better look at something. I had been through this before so I wasn't that concerned.  Weirdly though I had a brief thought- one of these days this second look might not be nothing. 
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